To Be Heard, 2022

Harlem's speakers' corner at 135th and Lenox Avenue in the early 1910s was the hub for street orators espousing political ideologies pertaining to Black American affairs. The orators such as Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, and others would stand on a wooden soapbox, ladder, or some other improvised platform from which they drew crowds. Although 135th street and Lenox is no longer "speakers corner", that oratorical tradition persists to this day. On any given day along the 125th street corridor, you will find the likes of SA Neter, ISUPK, Kemetic groups, Pan Africanists, and others preaching, teaching, and debating on matters of who, what, and where Black people are headed with the fire and fervor rooted in pseudo-historical revision to pew reviewed historical evidence.